Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So Today I felt a little nauseated I threw up at work and so that was fun.  Other than that it was a pretty normal day.  I went to work and had a pretty normal day, Quint came by and gave me some lunch because we were running really behind.
I had a root canal done on my tooth today.  My tooth would not get numb. I did an interview on a girl today and I really liked her.  I did my lupron shot tonight again.  I kind of look forward to each night I do this because it is one day closer to my implantation date. We pray everyday for a baby that will be blessed with our home.  We really would love twins!!!! I know it would be hard but so rewarding to both of us.  We are still waiting on our house.... it is taking forever!!
So I have a ton of Dr. appointments coming up so I am trying to arrange baby sitters for Jaxten.  He is such a bear these last couple of days.  I think his ear is hurting him still we will see. well I am trying to keep hope and stay positive. I am getting more excited, I can't wait til the blood test! Well I am going to finish the book, "Eclipse". The movie is on the 29th and i am super excited.

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