Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 11-12

Ummmmmm.... I have to think about yesterday. oh yes, Quint and I had an appt. to sign a bunch of paper work for the invitro.  It took from 9:30-12pm. Which is a while for paper work.  I feel like we are signing our life away.  We talked with some named Michelle for part of our paper work.  She went over a big part of the two cycle package that we are paying for.  We gave the billing department $13,000 in cash.  The lady said, " Have you heard of a check?" I was thinking have you heard of an audit!  So that took a while to count our cash.  We still owe about $4,000 and I am going to pay that on Friday at my appointment.  After that we met with Heather Riley to finish up signing consent forms and then we went home and picked Jaxten up from my mom's house.  I slept over at her house the night before so I did not have to wake Jaxten up way early.  My mom made us breakfast of french toast and bacon which was very good! I did some house work and took a nap and I hired a girl on at the office.

Today I had work which I did not want to go to.  Oh well such is life, Today was acutally a busy day at work so it went by pretty fast.  After work I got the rest of the money from Quint's parents then Quint had to leave for work. So I really did not see him today. This is his last Tuesday for his second job.  Today Jaxten had a Dr. appoitment. He is 50th % for heighth, 25% for weight and his head is still huge.  Jaxten's dr. said he is glad to see his Kindergartenders know the stuff that Jaxten knows. He feels like he is really smart.  So that makes me happy.
I am getting more and more excited for the invitro I want it to get closer.  I really hope it works!!!! I am putting my faith in the lord on this one. Quint thinks it is going to be a boy if I get pregnant.  We will see? I just want jaxten to have a friend to play with.  He deserves that much, my shot today did not feel so good but I am getting used to them. imagine that????

My Fertiliy specialist is Dr. Hatasaka, My pediatritcian- Dr. Terashima, My OBGYN- Dr. Yamashiro. I hope this man makes me a miracle baby!


Unknown said...

Just don't be too surprised when your baby comes out looking Japanese instead of like Quint hehehe...

mittensmit said...