Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 4

So today was a pretty good day! I took Jaxten to the aquiarium and I went to the mall and had  lunch with my mom.  jaxten had a lot of fun today.
I am still not feeling sick so that is good! I did something huge today!!!!! I gave myself a shot and that may not seem like a big deal to some but to me it was huge! I am very afraid of needles and this was a very big deal.  It was not too bad! So i did get my normal swelling from the injection sight but other than that I am feeling pretty good.  Other than our disagreement tonight today was a good day.  Quint and I are in a very stressful situation so sometimes we are not as nice as we should be to each other.  i am getting nervous for the other shots!!!! well off to bed....

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