Friday, May 7, 2010


So our journey of invitro of starting to sound a little more real to me.  I have to start birth control tomorrow, Yeah I know what your are thinking. I am trying to get pregnant and they put me on birth control to get pregnant but I guess it is to get your body more regulated. Last time I was on birth control was in 2005 and it was not a pleasant experience.  We will see how my body does on the birth control.  I have to stop taking birth control on June 19th.  I start taking a drug called lupron on June 11th.  I hear that the drugs that I am about to take mess your hormones and body up but that is why we are on a adventure of our lives.  Lupron I guess gets my ovaries ready to creat all of the eggs that we need to get in order to implant them back into my body.

We have a whole calendar basically taking over my body for the next couple of months.  I am very nervous and scared for this whole procedure.  I am not scared of what I have to go through at all.  I am scared it will not work with all of the money that we are putting into this invitro.  With our case we have to have ICSI done. That is when they have to actually inject my egg with a needle to help the sperm get into my egg.  My doctor said all of my tests look really good and my iron levels are up and my uterus is looking really good at this point.  At this point, we have a two year old and it took us a while to get him.  My some miracle of god we got pregnant with him and the Dr.'s say that he is a miracle.  We have about 1% chance of getting pregnant on our own. So we have to use god's science to help us out with that and hopefully that will make our family grow even bigger.  I know I have one and I am very greatful for him but I do want more kids.  After going through what Quint and I have gone through thus far we appreciate him so much more. We love Jaxten with every being of our souls.  It angers me to see people take getting pregnant so easily and not appreciating what a miracle it is to even get pregnant.  No one knows what we are going through.  I just hope with the love of our family and friend's support we can get through this. We pray everyday this will work. I will update on how it goes the further I get along in my drug regimend. Love your family!!!!!

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